Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Judah Giam

Shalom and choice greetings in the Most Awesome Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our great Commander-In-Chief!
To all my faithful comrades, prayer warriors and intercessors in the Victorious Army of the Lord, I just want to say a big "Thank You!" to you from our loving Abba Father! Truly, there is no greater joy than to see the Lord Himself drawing so nigh unto us as we passionately called upon His Most Wonderful and Awesome Name! Just to hear and receive the mind-blowing testimonies every week from some of you have greatly inspired my faith knowing that the Good Lord is indeed watching over His Word to hasten it - to perform it in our lives! Yes, to every one who has humbly received His Word...

Read more                                                                                                                         About Judah Giam