Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pg Hill Follow Up Camp - Awesome!

Praise God for his care upon the camp and what we've learnt from it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Gift Exchange

There will be a Christmas Gift Exchange Event during the Pg Hill Follow Up Camp. So, campers please buy a gift not less than RM10 and bring it to the camp. If possible, wrap the gift so that others won't know whats inside! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Follow Up Camp Form

Hand in during Gathering at Miss Ooi's house on the 4th of Dec.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Footprints in the Sand

     A man had a dream one day. In his dream he was walking down the beach with Jesus, his life flashed in the sky above him. Behind him were two footprints. One his, the other Jesus'. As he walked on and on, he turned back and saw only one footprint.

     He asked Jesus, why is there only one footprint left? Why aren't you with me during the hardest part of my life?

     Jesus said, I am always with you. The footprint you see on the sand is my footprint carrying you in my arms.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

CYM 2010 Unity Camp Testimonies

Click on the comments to view the testimonies.

Recess Revo in Jit Sin

Recess Revolution started in Jit Sin today! Our first RR activity - giving nasi lemak to workers in the school. It was great. Some workers were very grateful but some just asked for more. Anyway, we still hope god bless these workers who kept our school clean.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

CYM 2010 Unity Camp

Date日期: 4th Nov - 7th Nov 2010 
Venue地点: Stella Maris Apartment, Tanjung Bungah, Penang 
Qualification参加资格: Students between 13-17 
Check in time登记时间: 4th Nov 1.00pm 
Check out time结束时间: 7th Nov 2.00pm
Activities活动: Praise敬拜赞美, Games游戏, Talk讲座, Camp Fire营火
Fee营费: RM80
Due date报名截止日期: 19/10/2010

Quickly register before 19/10/2010! (Max: 30 campers)

Click here to get the camp form. - Print out the form.
Photostat form accepted.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2010 Last Activity

Want more?
Be in store for our upcoming CAMP!

Friday, July 9, 2010

CF Camp FollowUp (7th Jul) Photos

Group Prayers

Monday - Thursday (except Tuesday) : 11.15-11.20a.m. (Hall)
Tuesday : 11.15-11.20a.m. (Behind Basketball Court)
Wednesday : 7.20-7.30a.m. (Behind Basketball Court)
Friday : 10.50-11.00a.m. (Hall)

For assistance send a mail to

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Upcoming T-shirt

Christian Youth Movement Upcoming T-shirt.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Judah Giam

Shalom and choice greetings in the Most Awesome Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our great Commander-In-Chief!
To all my faithful comrades, prayer warriors and intercessors in the Victorious Army of the Lord, I just want to say a big "Thank You!" to you from our loving Abba Father! Truly, there is no greater joy than to see the Lord Himself drawing so nigh unto us as we passionately called upon His Most Wonderful and Awesome Name! Just to hear and receive the mind-blowing testimonies every week from some of you have greatly inspired my faith knowing that the Good Lord is indeed watching over His Word to hasten it - to perform it in our lives! Yes, to every one who has humbly received His Word...

Read more                                                                                                                         About Judah Giam

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Coming Soon

- Movie Special
- Game Competition
- End of Activity Celebration

Stay tuned for more...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Follow us at
search JSHSCYM group and join us. SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!

JSHSCYM : Jit Sin High School Christian Youth Movement

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Lets think about what Jesus had done for us in this significant week. Especially for christians we are the one that receive Jesus Christ blessings and also his precious blood for cleansing, so for us Christians we are fogiven because of Jesus' death, thank God for his mercy upon us.

Recommended Video: PASSION OF THE CHRIST

Friday, March 26, 2010


Join us fast! Our Camp deadline is in April 26.
Call us 014-9042455 or our adviser Miss Ooi 016-2439988.
Fast, its just RM80 with a cozy stay at Stella Maris from 5-8 of June.
Besides, there are many interesting activities such as BBQ, Sermant, Motivation Talk, Games, Gathering and the list goes on. So what are u waiting for, See u there!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Combined Youth Holiday Camp

Combined camp with BM High School, Convent and Jit Sin !
Date: 5-8th June
Time: 10 a.m. 
Venue: Stella Maris, Tanjung Bunga
Fee: RM 80
Contact: 014-9042455 / 016-2439988(Miss Ooi)

*For those who can attend this camp please tick "like" below and the survey below

Monday, February 22, 2010

Prayer in Tongues

Want to learn how to pray in tongues?
Come to our next activity.
Date: 24/2/2010
Time: 2.30 p.m.
Venue: 5S6

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Activity on 03/2/2010 will be a special one. Pls come at 2 45 p.m. at the class room beside bilik sukan. See u there!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


For any inquiries you may send an email to our g-mail account ( together with your name.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Form three students are suggested to wear house T-shirts when coming for activity if possible.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Students may come to join our Christian Youth Movement activity even if you are a member of JSPO, JSCO or prefect but must gain permission from the PKKK. Thank you.

2010 First Activity - 20/1/2010
This year's first activity had been fun. There were games, songs and making new friends. Still we must thank god that despite all the problems we have faced before, everything went on smoothly. Hope that more people will come on the next activity.