Thursday, November 11, 2010

CYM 2010 Unity Camp Testimonies

Click on the comments to view the testimonies.


  1. 真的很感谢Miss Ooi举办这四天三夜的营会。她为这次的营会付出了很多!真的很感

    谢她!!希望上帝多多看顾她。另外,感谢Miss Tan, Pn.Khor, Yun Sheng, Qin Kai,

    Yi Ren, Lydia, li Kwin对营会的付出。当然,也感谢所有出席的朋友们!谢谢你们这么



    释放出来。BROTHER ANDY CHENG的讲道让我们感受到上帝的存在及祂对世人爱

    的。他也说,Christian is not a religion but is love。这真的感动了我。 当他在为我们

    祷告时, 我们都哭了。上帝感动了在场的每一个人。他让我们深深地感受到上帝已经






    了!ANDY 为我祷告时,我感受到上帝在我心里,感受到上帝的存在。更是放肆地

    哭!后来,Miss Ooi也为我祈祷。眼泪始终控制不住!当天,也是我人生第一次在众



    第四天的分享环节,好多人因感动而无法开口说话。尤其是Yun Sheng,脸都红了。




    么。真的很对不起!Miss Ooi在分享的时候更是泣不成声。她为我们,CYM的付出真

    的很大!谢谢您,Miss Ooi。


    又更深一层的兴趣及热爱!更让我想成为Army of God。我希望上帝能雇用我!也希

    望能在举办多一次CYM Camp。让更多的人来认识上帝,感受祂的真谛。同时,也希


    Ang Shi Pei

  2. First of all, I want to thanks Shi Pei for inviting me to the camp. I had a really great time there.
    The camp is far much better than what I've imagined and I really do enjoyed myself there.
    Not only I've learn a lot from all the talks, I get to meet all of you great people there.
    Great people, great games, great food, great scenery.
    What more can you expect huh?! :D
    I really feel like we're just one big family and that I can trust everyone there.
    Seriously, I've never felt so welcoming anywhere before. :)

    To be frank, I was worried that I won't be so acceptable to be there for I wasn't a Christian and that I know nothing about it.
    But I was really touched knowing that God gave me this chance to believe that He really do love everyone even if you are not a Christian.
    I was touched to tears during brother Andy's talk for I felt that at least I'm somebody to God for he knew what's happening to me.
    now I'm here to share a little of my story about the family problem brother Andy said.

    I have a big sister, a little sister and a little brother.
    My little sister is only 4 years old and my little brother,6months old.
    They are actually borned by my dad's 2nd wife.
    Yes, 2nd. My mum is the first.
    When I was primary school. My parents used to argue a lot.
    All I knew is that my dad is having an affair with his secretary.
    I was real depressed with this situation and I almost killed myself trying to suicide.
    But I knew things will be worse if I do so.
    I went through all those arguments of my parents and when I was primary6 or form1 my dad actually get married with this 2nd wife.
    Until now, they got their schedule for when my dad stay with which one be with which one......
    My dad always come back home late.
    I see my dad for only a few times a week.
    I'm tired seeing my mum going to sleep with tears.
    And sometimes I will be waken up by their arguments.
    I feel so useless for I couldn't do anything to help.
    My mum would just kept on saying things like just do your best in your studies, don't get looked down by your father......
    And I've already given up trying to tell my dad to solve this problem.
    What I hope now is getting to see my mum free from all these mental suffering.
    There was once my mum got beaten up by my father in his office too.
    I thought of getting them to divorce would be better, but in the end my mum changed her mind.
    I don't know what more can I do except trying to be in my best all the time.
    Well. I don't know how but I just hope that things can be better.
    And I wish that everyone will appreciate their family and never do something like that in the future. :)

    Anyway, I hope that all of us can meet again some other time.
    And I hope that I get the chance to join a camp like this again! :D
    Lastly, I hope that everyone else can keep up haiving the amazing spirit towards God.
    I really do admire you guys' spirit. :)

    With loves, Joo Phin.

  3. 我能说的就像那天campfire 时,我所说的。这一个营会让我经历了很多第一次,完全没想过我可以做到。很感谢神,把我带到CYM,待到这个营会。藉着这些,神真的改变我很多,很多。

    我中一进来这间学校,日新的第一天吧。老师分给我们所有团体,学会和运动的list 。而在那么多的学会当中,最吸引我,最让我期待的就是“基督徒青年团契”。当时我决定,我一定能够要进的!可是来到中三,才知道我们做学长的不能进学会。我可真的气到,不懂怎么说。因此我只好成为有去活动的非会员。


    这个营会呢,也有很多第一次。第一次带领灵修,他们都不懂我多怕,拼命祷告,交给神,也不懂做得好吗。第一次,带领敬拜赞美。其实我有点怕。但我交给神,不会那么怕。当时还带着一种心态,让给圣灵吧!他要怎么带就怎么带吧!也是第一次,在我emo的时候,有人理我。可能我的朋友太了解我,看到我这样,自然就会认为,过了一会儿就不会有事了,所以不用理我的。其实,我很希望有人会来关怀我。就是这个时候,有人会问我有事吗?好感动!第一次真的感受到一些人的称赞,不会觉得自己做得不好,做了没人会理。第一次发现原来我们可以和日新的人相处得像一家人。尤其是在大家知道自己的天使的时候,那种感觉就更加浓了!好幸福的感觉!还有第一次看见大家彼此代祷,为着别人哭泣。当时我在看,有种 感觉就是神已经在动工了!

    最后,当然要感谢神,就因为有神,才有这个营会。当然还要谢谢出现在这个营会的人(包括牧师,老师,老师的妈妈)。God bless everybody!

    陈茹惠 =)

  4. First and foremost, i'd like to dedicate my dedicate my deepest thanks to those who supported us by funding the camp for you've given us an opportunity to see smthg new and experience something extraordinary. Thank you! Your kindness is far too great that all I can do to repay it is to share with you some of my valuable and unforgettable experience in the past few days.

    Being one of he three non-Christians in this camp, I admit that I was worried and apprehensive before the camp started knowing that I was going to a place full of strangers. I thought I'd be alienated but thank God that things turned out the opposite. We got to know each other once we arrived at the place. I'm grateful that I'd found some new buddies there. Though we just knew each other we could stay up till 3 o'clock in the morning talking about our secrets. That is without a doubt a miracle! And to my surprise the teachers were so good to us. They helped us with the chores and talked to us in a very caring and compassionate way as if they were both our parents and our peers.

    Through this camp, I now understand Christianity more thoroughly in a better way. It;s nice to see people feeling grateful for each other and every single thing they get in their life. I'd also discovers how forgiving and loving the campers were. The utmost important thing I'd learnt in the past few days was to forgive. It's undeniably the hardest thing to do at my age. How can one be so generous to whom he hates to much? Anyway, I'm working on it right now.

    In a nutshell, the food was great and so was the programme, the committee had done a very fantastic job, people were incredible friendly and easy to mix around with and I'm certainly looking forward to having a next activity with the same people in the near future. Things just get better now, you'd know what I mean if you were there.

    Before I end my little testimony, I;d like to thank my classmates for inviting me to this amazing camp, you had my eyes wide opened! Thank you Lydia & Li Kwin for the sharing. Thank you Joe Lyn for being with me when I was alone. Thank you teachers for your sacrifices throughout the activity and once again thanks to those who helped fund our camp. God bless you all ^^

    Secret camper

  5. I really love CYM camp. I really learned a lot spiritually. Thank god for giving me this opportunity to participate in this camp. Besides, I would like to thank CYM committee and teachers for organizing the program. Hope CYM will organize more camp in the near future.


  6. This is one of the most exciting and enjoyable camp I've ever been in my life. This is all God's will and as part of the committee my greatest joy during and after the camp is to see how God changed the lives of campers as well as touching the heart of those non-Christians. If it wasn't for God's care upon the camp and guidance, the camp would just be a normal boring camp. God had never let us down throughout the camp especially on the weather. Never had I thought that the sky would be bright and sunny on all 4 days of the camp but praise God it did! I would also like to thank the three guardian angels (teachers) sent by God. Without them, the camp would surely turn topsy-turvy. Also a word of thanks to all the campers because it wasn't just the teachers or the committees who made the camp a success but every one of you campers contributed a part to this wonderful camp. Most of all, thank you Lord!


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What an amazing camp I have experienced. The love of God, the unity of students, there is nothing competible. If u have been there u will realise tat this is a camps nt just loaded with fun bt oso full with the presence of God. With only his protection and his huge grace set upon, we've been able to run the camp so well. U can c tat the weather go so well tat it opposes wat the newspapers said, its obvious tat God hold back the rain. The climax in this camp is the talk given by Andy. Wow, I cried with no reasons, tats the first time for sure, I felt strongly tat holy spirit worked in my heart, and I felt tat I cant hold back frm nt to break down, the peace was so extraordinary, I cant even describe it in words, truly, u will wan to experienced it more. I din do much in conducting this camp although I was one of the commitees,( should call me so call committee next time) lolx, bt I truly want to thank God tat he revived the Jit Sin CYM club and the young soul in this school. As wat Joo Hui had shared in the camp, there is nothing to do on how many members we have or how much great things we've done in the school, its all about God's presence in Jit Sin! Dun pray tat CYM will be famous, do pray tat God will be with us and his will will be done by using us as his tools. I would lik to take this opportunity oso to give thanks to the Lord that he brought in three teachersto help us in this camp, truly, without their assistance, we are juz lik flies without its' head, u noe wat I mean. The success in conducting this camp also reminded me tat to pray to God for his protection and so on is so indispensable, without him the camp would have been in a mess. And so the low tide at the camp fire night, wat enormous grace he granted! I am oso glad tat the non christian opened their hearts to join us, thank God too tat they cn mix with us by nt feeling being aliented or sumthg lik tat, well, there is much more to say actualy, bt I wll stop here la, if nt qing kai will be killing me as he have to type tat much kakaz! Anyway, its a great camp throughout i've gain a lt of great memories here, hope tat all of the campers have the same feeling too.

    NG YS

  9. Camp? I don't think so. When I first arrive at this camp, I feel like that although i dun hav my good fren, but i felt that we can easily communicate with one another. Although this camp consist of only a few ppl, but dun judge somthing by it's size. Although we r a small camp, but we managed to get together more easily. At the camp, i can feel that we r a big family that work together... especially when the camp fire preparation... Lastly, thanks for the camp adn everyone.. and thank god for giving me this opportunity... :)

    QingYao Hu

  10. thanks to teacher Ooi and khor and miss tan!!! they are great teachers la!! and also qingkai! and yi ren and yunsheng and the group leaders and the Li kwin and Lydia and all the ppl who do the name tag and booklet and the ppl who help in cooking!@@!!

    this is a great camp la! it's well done! and just that the 3rd day,evryone is too tired to wake up early... so we skip morning devotion...XD and majority of us enjoy the camp and my group members they are very active..accept JaiLed... even chun joel is very active and friendly.. after the camp he talk to me a lot.. and joophine even she is not a chritian she enjoy the camp! and she love me so much! duno why... haha,...okay..she is very open to God.. and she really listen and jot down all the important points during theme talk and also very interested in the morning devotion thing..she say i did a good job in that.. thank God..! and the yunsheng,din really attend all the group activities la..cause he is very busy/sleeping...duno .

    overall, everything was good!... the bed and apartment.. the ppl there ,the whether.! the food.! the bus also not bad.! i enjoy the most in the angel mortal game! that connects me to a new friend who is christian but already din go to church.!and by this game,he really likes me alot..until now he sms me none stop....

    and when i go to school the next day... when i saw them ,they are like my family members..i really feel like that!! i just feel like ,they live with with me,play with me,sleep together,and laugh and cry together.! it's just so marvelous! that kind of feeling u cannot imagine de la...

    thank you Jesus! thank you brother Andy too,, and also everyone who contributed! thank God~

    Vivian Lim
