Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Footprints in the Sand

     A man had a dream one day. In his dream he was walking down the beach with Jesus, his life flashed in the sky above him. Behind him were two footprints. One his, the other Jesus'. As he walked on and on, he turned back and saw only one footprint.

     He asked Jesus, why is there only one footprint left? Why aren't you with me during the hardest part of my life?

     Jesus said, I am always with you. The footprint you see on the sand is my footprint carrying you in my arms.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

CYM 2010 Unity Camp Testimonies

Click on the comments to view the testimonies.

Recess Revo in Jit Sin

Recess Revolution started in Jit Sin today! Our first RR activity - giving nasi lemak to workers in the school. It was great. Some workers were very grateful but some just asked for more. Anyway, we still hope god bless these workers who kept our school clean.